Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tugu Yogyakarta

Tugu Yogya model designed by Yudho Wiratomo a paper model designer  from Indonesia. Tugu Jogja is the most popular landmark of Yogyakarta(also known as Jogja). This monument is located in the center of the crossroad between the Mangkubumi, Soedirman, A.M. Sangaji and Diponegoro roads. Tugu Jogja was also called as De Witt Paal (in dutch) or Tugu Pal Putih (white post monument).In the past, tugu Jogja had a diferent form than what is look like now, it was originally constructed in cylindrical form (from base) to conical form upwards with rounded top, and it was 25 m high. On 10 June 1987, a big earthquake happened in Yogyakarta, it ruined the Old Tugu Jogja.



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